
Jazz Great Teaches 欧文康考迪亚大学 Music Students

March 07, 2022 - 7 minute read

过去50年来最著名的爵士贝斯手之一, John Patitucci, spent nearly a week 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 as an artist-in-residence, 教学生各种技能, 并举办了两场音乐会.

“I don’t know that this campus has ever hosted a musician with as strong of an international, 获奖的简历,史蒂夫·杨说, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的主任 商业音乐25年前,他在教堂遇到了帕蒂图奇. “约翰超级热情、真诚、体贴. 他非常有趣,也是一个非常坚定的信徒. He has done a great job of navigating the world of secular music with his faith in a way that’s authentic. 每个人都尊敬他.”

Patitucci, 长期的工作室音乐家和现场演奏家, 凭借不同的乐队获得了多项格莱美奖. He was nominated this year for a Grammy for Best Jazz Record for the Akoustic Band LIVE album with bandmates Chick Corea (who died in February 2021) and drummer Dave Weckl. As a studio musician, Patitucci has played on countless albums with artists such as B. B. King, Bonnie Raitt, George Benson, Dizzy Gillespie, Dave Grusin, Natalie Cole, Bon Jovi, Sting, Queen Latifah, and Carly Simon.

John Patitucci

John Patitucci

“我得到了很多了不起的长辈的指导, 尤其是在音乐方面, 所以我觉得我需要指导和鼓励人们, too, 因为那改变了我的生活,” Patitucci said. “我为史蒂夫·杨所做的一切感到骄傲. 我很喜欢和学生们一起工作.”

今年1月,帕蒂图奇在校园里待了四天, 为学生音乐家教授大师班, 专为贝斯手开设的大师班, and classes for jazz and 商业音乐 students. The week culminated with two concerts in which Patitucci performed with acclaimed 钢琴家Alan Pasqua, 谁还主持过钢琴大师班, 以及传奇爵士鼓手乔·拉巴贝拉. 其中一场音乐会以爵士三重奏为特色, the other a fusion of jazz and chamber music that was performed by students from the 肯考迪娅小型交响乐团.

“I’ve done master classes and residencies a long time,” Patitucci said. “When you have a limited amount of time, you have to focus on the non-negotiables. For musicians, that’s rhythm, sound production, expression, 用强烈的感觉演奏, 情感上的玩, 还有敏感和倾听你周围的球员.”


“观众和音乐家的反应是声音, 你的节奏感, your time, 你有多敏感. They aren't going to ask you about theory and stuff, not that you shouldn't know it," he says. "When you get together with other people, the successful ones are the ones who listen well. 你得学会倾听."

观众和音乐家的反应是声音, 你的节奏感, your time, 你有多敏感. 你必须学会如何倾听.

听意味着感受歌曲, rhythmically, 音乐和抒情, 他教学生.

“You get a sense of the flow and the right tempo for the song, 给歌词喘息的空间,” he says. 你要听的是信息:这首歌是关于什么的? 有很多事情你必须关注. 我们如何让音乐升起? 在流行音乐中,主句引导副歌. 这是回报,这首歌最重要的部分. 有时它的强度会上升.”

Recalling his many years in some of the best jazz bands of the twentieth century, he related how relationships between band members elevate music such that “the sum is greater than the parts.”

“它是无限大的,指数级的,”他说. “Students have to buy into the fact that if they’re willing to support and allow space for others, everyone is playing their best and the music will be a million times more powerful because there’s space for everything to happen.”

马克西姆斯·厄普丘奇,大二学生 商业音乐 维克森林大学, North Carolina, 会弹钢琴和打击乐,比如木琴, bells, chimes, triangle, 还有管弦乐队的木块. He says Patitucci’s lessons hit home—and changed the way he and other students play together.

“As a band, we’re very in tune with connecting with each other now,” Upchurch says. “I’ve seen a difference in our 商业音乐 and worship where we’re getting out of our music, 玩的时候抬头看着对方, not looking at it as individual thing but how do we create a song and mesh together. 这对一首歌和正在播放的内容有很大的改变.”

Patitucci’s career began in the late 1970s with session work in L.A. In 1985, 他得到了奇克·科利亚乐队的永久演出机会, and went on to play and tour with other jazz luminaries such as Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter, 永远伟大的爵士萨克斯管演奏家.

几十年来, Patitucci has consistently played in church worship bands and served in lay leadership, 包括作为老人.


在欧文的康考迪亚大学, John counseled students not to fear their true musical selves.

“有时候人们害怕展示自己, 在那一刻保持真实, 抓住机会做点什么,” he noted. “这并不总是意味着演奏更多的音符. 这是关于脆弱. Wayne Shorter said something I love: ‘Sometimes musicians hide behind their instruments.’ They don’t step forward for the greater good of the piece you’re playing. 所有这些都需要时间. 这是来之不易的智慧. 它不是明天就发生的. 你必须失败几次.”

Avery Smith, a senior saxophone and bassoon player who is studying music education, was one of more than a dozen students who played with the trio at the first concert.

“Something John said to me and others was, ‘Keep developing your language. 倾听并模仿其他伟人,’”史密斯说. “这就是我现在的处境. 我在发展我的语言, 而不仅仅是弹奏乐谱, 而是用我打球的方式表达一些东西.”

帕蒂图奇给了她“一个非常甜蜜的赞美,”她说. “他说,‘你的声音很棒. 永远不要卖掉你的号角.’这很特别,”史密斯说.

在欧文的康考迪亚大学, even the rehearsals for the concerts were open to students who wanted to observe and learn.

“What is rare about John is he is fluent across musical lines,” says Young. “他可以在最高水平的比赛中打出任何风格. 在这方面,他是音乐家中的音乐家.”

杰夫·赫尔德,学院副院长 文理学院, calls Patitucci’s residency “an important part of the expansion of Concordia’s music program.”

“John Patitucci has been an ideal artist-in-residence,” says Held. 他谈到他的信仰如何成为他艺术创作的中心, 展示了他是如何与其他音乐家进行友爱互动的, and discusses a world class work ethic and lifelong approach to learning music that makes him one of the very best.”

Lately, 帕蒂图奇一直在为电影配乐, writing “all kinds of music” and performing original pieces of chamber music—including at Lincoln Center in New York City, 以及华盛顿的肯尼迪中心, D.C. 他继续创作爵士乐作品, works as a session musician and plays in the worship band at his church in New York City. 帕蒂图奇的兄弟是北加州的一名牧师.

One of the biggest lessons he teaches is the importance of strong character.

“性格很重要,”他说. “I remember knowing musicians who were really gifted but hard to deal with. A lot of them never got to have the creative opportunity and career they should have because of being tough to be around for more than five minutes. 这与角色的发展是一致的. If we say we’re Christians and trying to emulate Christ, you have to walk the walk and talk the talk. 你装不出来的.”

钢琴家Alan Pasqua.

Bass players in particular are called to servant-leadership with “a role in the music that is foundational and supportive,” he says. “Facilitating and setting people up to really play their best is very much in the job description of the bass. 节奏必须强烈, 声音一定要很棒, 你必须学会如何读谱. 你的耳朵一定要结实.”

康科迪亚管乐团 also hosted a residency with Boston Pops principal trumpeter, Terry Everson, 和作曲家吉姆·斯蒂芬森. Young says the music department will continue hosting marquee-level musicians, to deepen the learning experience of 欧文康考迪亚大学 music students.

“这就是我们所做的事情,”杨说. “We bring in people from different corners of the music world to expose our students to all different types of excellence.”

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