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Convention: A Daily Journal

Center for Civics Education

Convention: A Daily Journal

会议:《博彩平台网址大全》是1787年制宪会议的日刊,会议由最初的13个州中的12个州召开,旨在修改《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》,建立一个“更完美的联盟”.” It chronicles the daily activities of the Convention, profiles the delegates and their interactions with each other, and looks back to life in America in the 1780s. Writing in the first person, 这个故事是一位“观察者”从当时的报纸报道和代表们的个人笔记和信件中听到的事件讲述的.

Monday, October 1, 1787

October 19, 2020 - 4 minute read

The Constitution of the United States

就在两天前,宾夕法尼亚州的立法机构才收到正式通知,称国会已于前一天投票将拟议的美国宪法提交各州批准. Already, a violent reaction has taken place in Philadelphia. 两名大会成员故意缺席大会,以确保没有达到法定人数,在违背其意愿的情况下被强行带到大会大厅.  自9月17日制宪会议正式批准将新宪法提交国会以来,反对新宪法的声音不断扩散. 

《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》之友面临着一项艰巨的任务,即确保13个国家中至少有9个国家批准《正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台》,以确保其通过. In contrast, opponents of the Constitution need only to secure formal opposition in four States to defeat it. The road ahead will not be an easy one, with many bumps and bridges to cross along the way. But just what does this new Constitution propose that has energized such animosity and resistance? 

It begins with a simple Preamble, 宣布宪法源于“我们美国人民”,目的是建立一个更完美的联邦, establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility, providing for the common defense, promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

ARTICLE I establishes a Congress composed of the House of Representatives and Senate, wherein is granted all legislative powers of the national government. 众议院议员由各州人民选举产生,各州议员人数由人口决定.  The Senate, on the other hand, will be composed of two Senators from each State, to be chosen by the State legislatures. [This will later be changed by the 17th Amendment to the Constitution.]

该条款规定了众议院议员(最低年龄为25岁,美国公民7岁)和参议院议员(最低年龄为30岁,美国公民9岁)的资格。.  它进一步规定,众议院议员任期两年,参议员任期六年, one third to be elected every two years. 

美国副总统将担任参议院议长,但只能在投票打成平局时投票. The Senate will have the sole power to try impeachments, 参议院审理弹劾案时,由最高法院首席大法官主持. 

Article I  also includes a variety of details pertaining to Congressional rules and procedures, 但最重要的是第一条第八节,它列举了国会的立法权, including, but not limited to, the power to lay and collect taxes; borrow money on the credit of the United States; regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the States; coin money; establish post offices and post roads; and declare war. 该清单最后授权国会“制定执行上述权力所必需和适当的一切法律”,” a clause certain to raise concern in the forthcoming debates.

Article I  也简洁地规定了各州对彼此的义务,并要求所有旨在筹集资金的法案必须由众议院提出.

ARTICLE II  creates the executive branch of government, vested in a President of the United States, elected by an electoral college, together with a Vice President, for a term of four years, both being eligible for re-election. 总统必须年满35岁,在美国出生或在宪法通过时是美国公民. The President is commander-in-chief; may request opinions from various department heads; and grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment. 总统还可以签订条约,任命大使和最高法院法官, with advice and consent of the Senate.

ARTICLE III  规定美国的司法权归属于国会设立的一个最高法院和其他下级法院. 法官将在“行为良好”期间任职,最高法院的管辖权列在第2节. 第3节定义了对美国的叛国罪,并要求至少有两名证人目睹被指控的叛国罪行为.

The four brief sections of ARTICLE IV  require that “full faith and credit” shall be given in each State to the public acts, records and proceedings of every other State; assure that citizens of each State are entitled to “all privileges and immunities” in other States; provide for extradition of persons charged with crimes and return of “persons held to service or labor” who escape to another State [the latter provision will later be changed by the 13th Amendment which will abolish slavery]; provide for admission of new States; and guarantee to each State a republican form of government.

ARTICLE V  provides a process for proposing and ratifying amendments to the Constitution.

ARTICLE VI  宣布“美国宪法和法律”以及条约是“美国的最高法律”,对每个州的法官都有约束力,并要求国会议员和州立法机构成员以及美国和各州的所有行政和司法官员“宣誓或肯定”,” but no religious test shall ever be required to any office under the United States.

ARTICLE VII  只是规定宪法将在九个州的公约批准后成立. How long this process will take is yet to be determined, 但是,如果说过去两天在费城发生的事件预示着即将到来的辩论的激烈程度的话, ratification may not be achieved for many months.

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